October 2, 2023

Vilnius to Host EBEEC 2024

Vilnius proudly announces its role as the host city for the annual 16th International Conference on Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries (EBEEC) in 2024. This prestigious event is organized through a partnership between the International Hellenic University and Mykolas Romeris University and is scheduled to take place from May 17 to 19, 2024, on the campus of Mykolas Romeris University. The conference will bring together 150 distinguished scholars and practitioners specializing in the fields of economics and management sciences from around the world.   

Over the past two decades, the economies of the Balkans and Eastern European regions have undergone significant transformations. Challenges such as persistent uncertainty, a lack of sustained stability, the disruptive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical upheavals, and energy crises have posed substantial hurdles for researchers, policymakers, and both the private and public sectors. These disruptions have led to economic instability, emphasizing the critical need to address them.  

In line with current global trends – as outlined in the 2050 long-term strategy, the Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, and the new European Innovation Agenda – this year’s conference will place special emphasis on addressing the following pivotal themes: sustainability and global competitiveness, resilience and economic security, and the transformative impact of digital disruptions. 

Furthermore, this conference calls upon the research community to confront these challenges to foster resilient, sustainable, digitally driven, and globally competitive economic transitions beyond efficiency and productivity, and to reinforce the roles and contributions of human beings.

Beyond its scholarly pursuits, EBEEC 2024 promises enriching cultural encounters, offering participants the opportunity to immerse themselves in the enchanting Old Town of Vilnius. This historic locale, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, will provide a captivating backdrop for the conference.