33rd IASS Conference to Take Place in Vilnius

33rd International Association for Scandinavian Studies (IASS) Conference will take place in Vilnius University on 3-6 August, 2021 in hybrid format. The conference will gather more than 130 researchers from 26 countries covering various areas in humanities – linguists, literary scientists, historians and media researchers.

Vilnius University Centre for Scandinavian Studies is honoured to be the organiser of this prestigious event, despite having to postpone the event from last year to this summer. Vilnius – a city of a complex and rich cultural memory – is an extremely well-suited place to examine and discuss the perception and acceptance of the past.

The topic of memory has gained more attention in recent years as the focus of various areas in the humanities moves towards examining, how societies and individuals see their own past and identity, as well as how the current and future challenges, such as the climate change, are perceived. Therefore, the theme of cultural memory will be discussed from various viewpoints – the historical, the literary, the linguistic and the media studies.

The first IASS conference took place in 1956 at the University of Cambridge and takes place every other year at a different university. 
