Healthcare Services

The official language of medical institutions in Lithuania is Lithuanian. However, you will find that depending on the doctor’s qualification, consultations can also be provided in English, Russian and Polish.

Younger physicians or doctors in both public and private health care institutions are more likely to be able to speak English.

When you register at a clinic or book an appointment, it’s always worth asking at reception whether your doctor speaks the language you require.

Public and private healthcare institutions

There are public and private healthcare institutions in Lithuania. All persons (both insured and not by compulsory health insurance) have access to public as well as private health care institutions. The difference is that non-insured persons are required to pay for all healthcare services provided both in private and public health care institutions. 

Private healthcare institutions work under a license issued by the Ministry of Health. These healthcare institutions provide paid services. Each private healthcare institution will have its own price list, so it’s advisable to ask about prices in advance.

You’ll also find that English is more widely spoken in private healthcare institutions.

How do I register with a doctor / medical institution?

  1. Choose a health care institution and go to the healthcare facility of your choice;
  2. Bring your ID and residence permit (remember your place of residence must be declared in Lithuania);
  3. At the reception desk you will be asked to:
    • Complete and sign an application form;
    • Complete and sign the patient’s statement on access to healthcare services;
    •  Select your family doctor;
    • Pay € 0,29.

Healthcare institutions

If you have any further questions, feel free to schedule a meeting with the International House Vilnius team.

More Information

More Information

Eligibility for Compulsory Health Insurance (PSD)
Eligibility for Compulsory Health Insurance (PSD)

Information about the national healthcare insurance system.


Healthcare for you and your family in Lithuania.

European Health Insurance Card
European Health Insurance Card

Find out what is covered and how to use EHIC.